Paid Social Media Marketing

With the ability to track performance in real-time being as accessible as it is, successful Paid Social Media Marketing is synonymous with Results-Based Marketing. Whether it be impressions, conversions, sign-ups or more – I am experienced in driving traffic to support a campaign’s shifting KPIs.


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I have executed full campaigns from creative ideation to performance optimization on the following paid social channels:

  • Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Taboola, Yahoo

Specific experience with paid social media channels include:

  • User-Generated Content (UGC) - collaborating with talent to slate, approve, and utilize UGC.

  • Optimizing bids and budgets on an ad set level to target specific ROI goals.

  • Updating and refreshing top-performing campaigns to boost spend.

  • Managing relationships with account representatives, meeting weekly.

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Case Study: Facebook

I have experience running a number of tests for Facebook: Optimizing for Landing Page View vs. Cost per Click vs. Conversion Campaigns, Dynamic Ads, Creative Changes, etc.

In my initial ownership of Facebook for Livingly Media, the channel saw a 367% increase in revenue & 529% increase in profit Q2/Q3 2020, as well as an encouraging dynamic ad test in Q4 resulting in a 397% increase in revenue and 4853% increase in profit Q3/Q4 2020. These numbers remained consistent in the following quarters.

This ad (left) alone spent over $9k, drove over 458k impressions, and lead to 41.6k link clicks.